Sunday, 31 March 2013

Cognos 10

Boeing is dealing in a complex business ranging from space products to airplanes. To support their analysts Boeing is using cognos 10. Previously the financial analysts of Boeing used to take weeks and even a month to gather critical management information in order to make timely decisions but after using IBM cogno 10 it takes few minutes to come up with a decision. Basically in this cognos develop dashboards and other analytical data for them which resulted in effective decision making. Their military customer used to pressurize them to do things better, cheaper, smarter and faster. This system helped them to increase productivity.

Moreover this helped them in savings also in a way that their payback increased to 10 times which means that for every one dollar they spent they will get 10 dollars in return. Apart from that it also provides different types of charts according to the data. We simply need to enter or we have to insert data and then cognos will create charts of that data. It also makes different kinds of graph as well as 3D images that are helpful in analyzing the company’s performance. This whole program is centralized so every employee related to decision making can use this.

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